Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Bachelor of Science in Biology


The BS Biology curriculum is composed of 156-157 units of course work which can be completed in four years or eight semesters:

Foundation Courses (27 units)

Foundation courses are required courses in chemistry, mathematics, and physics, which provide a necessary foundation for understanding biological concepts and developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills.





Chem 18

University Chemistry

Chemical concepts, principles and applications

3 units

Chem 23

Inorganic Analytical Chemistry

Principles and applications of classical and instrumental methods of analyses

3 units

Chem 23.1

Inorganic Analytical Chemistry Laboratory

Principles and applications of classical and instrumental methods of analyses

2 units

Chem 31

Organic Chemistry

Introduction to modern theories of inorganic chemistry. Correlation of structure with properties of organic compounds

3 units

Chem 31.1

Organic Chemistry Laboratory

Introduction to modern theories of inorganic chemistry. Correlation of structure with properties of organic compounds. Basic laboratory techniques in elementary organic chemistry

2 units

Chem 40

Elementary Biochemistry

Structure-function relationship and the metabolism of the four biomolecules

3 units

Chem 40.1

Elementary Biochemistry Laboratory

Structure-function relationship and the metabolism of the four biomolecules

2 units

Math 50

Applied Calculus

Limits, continuity, derivatives of algebraic, exponential, and logarithmic functions, applications of derivatives, related rates, differentials, extrema of functions, indeterminate forms, curve sketching, optimization, indefinite and definite integrals, differential equations and their applications

4 units

Physics 21

Introductory Physics

Introduction to the basic principles of Physics

4 units

Physics 21.1

Introductory Physics Laboratory

Introduction to the basic principles of Physics

1 unit

Core Courses (54 units)

Core courses are Biology courses common to all majors or tracks.





Bio 120

General Microbiology

Taxonomy, morphology, ecology and economic value of microorganisms; microbiological techniques

3 units

Bio 120.1

General Microbiology Laboratory

Taxonomy, morphology, ecology and economic value of microorganisms; microbiological techniques

2 units

Bio 140

Elementary Genetics

Principles of hereditary and genetics

3 units

Bio 140.1

Elementary Genetics Laboratory

Principles of hereditary and genetics

1 unit

Bio 150

Introduction to Molecular and Cell Biology

Principles of Cell Biology

4 units

Bio 160


Principles of ecology and their application to field studies relating to natural resource management

3 units

Bio 160.1

Ecology Laboratory

Principles of ecology and their application to field studies relating to natural resource management

2 units

Bio 180

Statistical Methods for Biology

This is an introductory course in Statistics for students majoring in the Biological Sciences. It includes an introduction to probability theory, descriptive statistics and applications of the basic inferential statistical methods

3 units

Bio 189

Technical Writing in the Life Sciences

Preparation and writing of scientific papers including papers for oral presentation as well as ethics, rights and permission

3 units

Bio 191

Biological Evolution

Theories, principles and mechanisms of evolution

3 units

Bio 195

Practicum in Biology

Planned, supervised and evaluated real world learning to enrich classroom experiences in an area or different areas of biology

3 units

Bio 196

Seminar in Biology

1 unit

Bio 200

Undergraduate Thesis

Conceptualization of a research proposal, conduct of research, and composition and defense of an undergraduate thesis in Biology

4 units

Bot 14

University Botany

Analysis of processes and mechanisms shaping plant life and their economic importance

3 units

Zoo 14

University Zoology

Integrative analysis of processes and mechanisms shaping animal life

3 units

Zoo 131

Introduction to Developmental Biology of Animals

Principles of development, mechanisms of cellular differentiation, specification of cell fate and embryonic axes, as well as cellular interactions during organogenesis

3 units

Zoo 131.1

Introduction to Developmental Biology of Animals Laboratory

Principles of development, mechanisms of cellular differentiation, specification of cell fate and embryonic axes, as well as cellular interactions during organogenesis

2 units

Major Courses (30-31 units)

Major courses are prescribed major courses in a concentration or track. They aims to develop the core knowledge and competencies in that concentration or track.

General Biology (30 units)





Bot 111

Plant Morphoanatomy and Biodiversity

Developmental patterns, morphoanatomy, evolution and taxonomy of Kingdom Plantae

3 units

Bot 111.1

Plant Morphoanatomy and Biodiversity Laboratory

Developmental patterns, morphoanatomy, evolution and taxonomy of Kingdom Plantae

2 units

Bot 121

Elementary Plant Physiology

Fundamental aspects of the activities of plants, such as plant nutrition, absorption and translocation of materials, growth, movement and reproduction

5 units

MCB 101

Advanced Microbiology

Principles and techniques for the morphological, cultural and physiological characterization of selected groups of microorganisms

5 units

Zoo 102

Comparative Anatomy of Invertebrates

Phylogenetic development of the organ systems in the various classes of vertebrates

3 units

Zoo 102.1

Comparative Anatomy of Invertebrates Laboratory

Phylogenetic development of the organ systems in the various classes of vertebrates

2 units

Zoo 111

Invertebrate Zoology

General survey of the invertebrates

3 units

Zoo 111.1

Invertebrate Zoology Laboratory

General survey of the invertebrates

2 units

Microbiology (31 units)





MCB 101

Advanced Microbiology

Principles and techniques for the morphological, cultural and physiological characterization of selected groups of microorganisms

5 units

MCB 103

Introductory Medical Microbiology

The role and control of medically important microorganisms in human disease development

3 units

MCB 120

Microbial Physiology

Physiological processes in microorganisms including a study of structure, energy, production, macromolecular biosynthesis, and nutrition and growth

3 units

MCB 143


Study of the evolution, composition, classification, life cycle, pathogenesis and spread of viruses and subviral agents, including control strategies and applications of virology

3 units

MCB 145

Fungi of Medical Importance

Direct and/or indirect impacts of fungi on human health as infectious agents on human health

3 units

MCB 148

Microbial Genetics

Basic concepts of microbial genetics and bacterial genomes

3 units

MCB 150

Microbial Ecology

An introduction to the basic principles of microbial ecology; interrelationships of bacteria, fungi, algae and protozoa in natural systems 

5 units

MCB 160

Industrial Microbiology

Microorganisms, principles and processes involved in industrial fermentation

3 units

MCB 180

Introductory Food Microbiology

Microorganisms, principles and processes involved in industrial fermentation

3 units

Environmental Biology (31 units)





Bio 162

Tropical Coasts: Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation

Physical, chemical and biological aspects of terrestrial habitats

4 units

Bio 164


Study of Inland Waters

4 units

Bio 166

Marine Ecology

Physico-chemical and biological patterns in shallow water and deep sea marine communities; interactions at various levels of organization in the marine environment and impacts of human activities on marine habitats

4 units

Bio 175

Coastal Flora: Mangroves and Beach Forest Species

Introduction to mangroves and beach forest species to include their biology, anatomy, taxonomy, ecology and utilization. Issues on conservation, management, protection are also included

5 units

ENS 101

 Introduction to Environmental Science

The course will deal primarily with some basic principles of ecology and the following environmental issues: population, sustainable use of renewable and nonrenewable resources, and environmental degradation due to pollution and different forms of disturbance in the ecosystem

3 units

ENS 110

Environmental Impact Assessment

The course will deal primarily with the methods used in environmental impact assessment including collection of environmental and social baseline data, impact assessment, prediction, selection of alternatives and provision of mitigating measures and the preparation of an environmental impact statement

3 units

ENS 120

Biological Resource Management

Methods and approaches in the conservation and management of renewable and nonrenewable resources including biodiversity and land use

3 units

MCB 150

Microbial Ecology

An introduction to the basic principles of microbial ecology; interrelationships of bacteria, fungi, algae and protozoa in natural systems

5 units

Elective courses (6 units)

Students can take as electives major courses outside of their concentration or track, such as those listed below, or any course numbered 100 and above in another discipline.





Bot 182

Economic Botany

Economic plants and plant products

3 units

Chem 189

Environmental Chemistry

Environmental chemistry principles and its applications

3 units

CMSC 154

Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems

Introduction to geographic information systems; spatial analysis; georeferencing; digitizing; cartography; applications of GIS

3 units

MB 114

Marine Plankton

Morphology, taxonomy and distributions

3 units

Zoo 113


Origin and degree of parasitism, structural peculiarities of parasites, life cycles and host-parasite relationship

3 units

Other required courses

BS Biology students must also complete 12 units of General Education courses, the legislated PI 100 course (The Life and Works of Jose P. Rizal), four Physical Education courses, and two National Service Training Program courses.