The two-day roadshow included talks on “Sea Cucumber Biology, Ecology, Fisheries, and Trade” by Mr. Cristan Campo of the Department of Agriculture’s National Fisheries Research and Development Institute (NFRDI), “Sandfish Project Overview” by Professor de la Cruz, “Sandfish Spawning and Hatchery Production” by Mr. David Cosmiano of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources – Guiuan Marine Fisheries Development Center, and “Ocean Nursery and Advance Nursery Rearing” by Ms. Racelle Rescordado of GDFI on Day 1, and talks on “Current Knowledge and Practices on Sandfish Grow-out Systems” and “Current Knowledge and Practices on Sandfish Post-harvest Technology” by Ms. Janine Villamor of GDFI, “Integrated Sea Ranching” by Professor de la Cruz, and “Sea Cucumber Management and Policies on Sea Cucumber Trade” by Ms. Nonita Cabacaba of NFRDI on Day 2.